Monday, November 25, 2019


STUDIES ON USE OF AQUATIC MACROPHYTES FOR removal of pollut essays Since the last decade Effluent Treatment Plant has become an integrated part of each and every industry that disposes off wastewater. Not only just industries but Domestic and Municipal waste also have to be treated before disposing as all these effluents contain pathogenic microorganisms, toxic organic For removal of these chemicals various conventional methods are used. But these methods were found to be uneconomical and in absence of regular maintenance, the processes are delicate and prone to failure. Besides, these methods cannot be applied where volume of effluent is low like the municipal waste in rural areas. Lower the quantity of wastewater, higher is its cost of treatment per litre. As a result, in most of its cases it is left untreated and that leads to outbreak of water borne diseases. To all these problems Biotechnology has brought one simplest, easiest 5. It can be applied in varied conditions and environment. It is found that the macrophytes perform several different functions: 1. Take up minerals thereby lowering toxicity of the effluent. 2. Transporting from atmosphere to root zone facilitating aeration of the effluent. 3. Provide substrate for microbial activity. 4. Remove Nitrates, Phosphates, sulphates, Ca, Mg, K 5. Remove heavy metals like Cu, Pb, Cd, etc that cannot be completely removed by conventional methods. Since the introduction of this technique a decade ago, it was mainly used for secondary and tertiary treatment of sewage. However, later it was found to be equally effect ...

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